Recent Illustrations

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For the past few weeks I was busy getting more illustrations done than before. Fortunately I love designing and illustrating so it’s not stressing me at all, however, when life gets in the way that’s something else though.

I still am doing all of my tasks alone, hence work is slow. But I’m getting used to being that busy so I guess with a bit more time I’ll be done with my main projects and tasks. Since I’ve been working on the design part, I’ll make more time for managing my business.

Anyway, on the good part I’m posting my recent illustrations. I’m really happy with my current abilities and I’m familiarizing myself with more tools regarding painting my designs. I bought way too many art tools which helped me be more

Aside from fashion illustrations, I illustrated patterns inspired by the Ottoman patterns. To be honest, I’m thinking of giving a workshop on how to draw Ottoman patterns. I enjoy designing Ottoman patterns and when I read more about them I couldn’t help but admire that form of art even more. Also, I’ll join an upcoming Exhibition at the end of this month where I’ll showcase my work. I’m super excited! It’s been a long time since I last participated in an exhibition. Below are some of my recent designs and you can definitely watch me on Snapchat where I post the process or Instagram:

Snapchat: Artistakw

Instagram: Anwaar.saleh